Principal Coordinator
AIN has extensive experience in coordination, management and execution of regional, national and international research projects. She has solid knowledge of the coastal communities of the proposed study location, developed over 25 years of marine botany and coastal ecology research, using macroalgae as model organisms and the Azorean littoral communities as model systems.

Co-Principal Coordinator
GMM is a researcher in Marine Ecology with +10 years of research including work on the consequences of harvesting key species, impacts and mitigation of the effects of coastal urbanisation, habitat destruction and general ecology of rocky shores. GMM has considerable expertise in complex experimental design, statistical analysis and science communication.

Team Member
AP is a PhD student in Biology with extensive experience in coastal Azorean communities and a vast participation in the management and execution of regional, national and international research projects. He has been involved in several research projects dedicated to the study of shallow water benthic communities.

Team Member
AS has large experience in the characterization of chemical compounds from natural sources, including from Azorean macroalgae, using preparative and non‐preparative chromatographic methodology and spectroscopic techniques, as demonstrated by articles published in high impact factor journals in the field of chemistry and thesis supervision.

Team Member
CC has gathered relevant experience and knowledge in microbiology, namely in the identification of bacteria from samples of different origins, their isolation and cultivation, as well as in the identification of active proteins and genes coding for these proteins. She has accumulated a broad experience in the evaluation and study of antimicrobial, anti‐helminthic and insecticidal activities, and on extracellular enzymes produced by bacteria.

Team Member
CB has experience and know‐how in the determination of biological activity mechanisms, which are often correlated with the presence of chemical defense compounds, which may be scaffolds for substances with pharmacological and/or biotechnological application.

Team Member
DT has experience in the purification and characterization of hydrolytic enzymes with biotechnological application. Current research activity on the application of multi enzyme complex system in biocatalysis and biomass processing for the production of bioactive compounds.

Team Member
IM is a marine biologist that has been gaining considerable knowledge and experience in algal taxonomy and ecology. He shows significant experience in field sampling procedures, both at intertidal and subtidal levels, and is eager to pursue a marine science career.

Team Member
JBR has expertise in determining seawater nutrient concentrations and carbonate system, with state of the art total alkalinity and pH methods. Moreover, JBR has know‐how on the preparation and collection of trace metals samples.

Team Member
JF has a PhD in Biology from the University of Lisbon and has been accumulating considerable knowledge on Azores coastal habitats. He has proven to be skilful in applying experimental ecology designs and molecular and genetic tools to better understand how biological diversity is generated and infer the ecological and environmental forces that have contributed to the structure and connectivity of marine populations

Team Member
VG has experience and know‐how in microalgae and cyanobacteria ecology, and is currently working in the bioprospection of these microorganisms for biodiversity assessment and study of their potential for pharmacological and/or biotechnological application. He is responsible for the Azorean Algae and Cyanobacteria Bank.

AE is a researcher in Marine (Molecular) Ecology at the Centre for Marine Sciences of the Algarve (CCMAR). His research is focused on global change effects on the ecology of benthic marine organisms especially seaweeds, seagrasses and corals.

JHS is a Professor of Marine Biology at the University of Plymouth. He pioneered the use of shallow‐water hydrothermal vent systems to further our understanding of ocean acidification and has >20 peer‐reviewed papers on the effects of carbon dioxide seeps on microbes, algae, invertebrates and fish.

The Azores Microbial Observatory (OMIC) is a Center for scientific and technological dissemination, which seeks to facilitate access to scientific knowledge and new technologies. OMIC is an entity responsible for the promotion and dissemination of the importance of microbial life on Earth emphasizing the existing microbial biodiversity in the Azores Hot Springs and Volcanic Caves. OMIC aims to stimulate the interest on science and technology, making it accessible to the general public, particularly to the young public, since it is an educational support for the regional schools’ programs. OMIC offers to the visitors a demonstrative exhibition about microscopic life biodiversity existing in the Azorean Hot Springs and Volcanic. This Science Center also promotes the building of a scientific culture through conferences and other cultural related promotion initiatives. The Azores Microbial Observatory is managed by the entity A Ponte Norte – Cooperativa de Ensino e Desenvolvimento da Ribeira Grande and it integrates the Azores Science Centers network promoted by the Regional Secretary of the Sea, Science and Technology.

Eurodyssey internship
VR has graduated in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and holds a Master's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Economic, Environmental and Social Sustainability, from the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA). He's a certified PADI Dive Master and has worked as a diving guide and environmental educator in Philippines and Spain.